Sunday, September 13, 2009

CHALLENGES...1 .2 3 4 ...GO.....

Its been time since I’ve written my last post. And each time when I try to think and care about that gap…many things flood down this rather small cerebellum. To be true to all of you…esp. those who have taken pains to take my blog count to 130 (and esp esp to those 6 musketeers ..the followers), the time is not good at all. Its been moving with that speed that even ‘lightening bolt’ may feel shy to achieve, and I as a trainee for a long boring marathon, is perplexed by that. That unfathomable* Manusmriti challenge is over , but the new ones are more senile, more variegated *. so why not explore them and let me put them for you in a “what I love” tabular way.

CHALLENGE 1…. Indian Philosophy………………the oldest of ‘em all ,the grandest of ‘em all. This massive storehouse of knowledge has been a point of chaos for my grey matter. Its all a great theory, where logic is undermined as hell , though this undermining is great news for chaps like me who have hated maths .thus logic, but still 4 years of ‘as I call it’ crameneering as made my brain understand some ACKs and NACKs (courtesy..tanenbaum and NETTECH) such, that the ‘Radhakrishnan’s dualism, his distinction of self and not self, seems a bit , you know…unnetworked(courtesy.. ditto). Its been the second week of my issuing of our second president’s epic..but still, the caricatures of Atman and Brahman haunt me.

CHALLENGE 2… Recession………..aah….this is a veteran challenge, and we are still playing it down. This great word made its debut when our sky blue placement cell was all hustled and bustled with a BPO coming in and slammed us after 3 months when the ,all the more blue cell was all barren, all silent as if Obama’s Guantanamo replacement was this bluish arcade. It was a mourning that started with “TCS not coming” news around the campus, continued and watched Jackson’s death, submitted our training reports like a massive meal’s starter (didn’t even burp after that),and is now having some dezzerts with some more call centres and words like “TCS still not coming”

CHALLENGE 3… C#.....this is the latest challenge..a new one ..a teenager but c’mon Sachin was also a teenager to start with. Though it’s a new challenge, but its revelation was quite an expected one as, for at the end of 4 years when you still think twice before compiling a C program, when words like TCP/IP seems like some skyscraper in downtown New York, when you can’t , after 25 days of mugging concepts grow cold in explaining… “what is a server”…and then at the end of it all..log in happily and play those quizzes in Facebook, then such sharp revelations are understood. So in final year, as this mega project seems to be a mine of 250 marks..and I ,still confused with ins and outs of Visual Studios ..,my relation with c#,till now seems to be paradoxical.

CHALLENGE 4… WRITE finally my blog, one of the homes that I made last year where I can make love with my thoughts (and that too without a condom!!!!) is now falling over me. “write general”..”write easy” phrases have been tossing over this poor soul, just to come down and split my blogging brain to two. And that’s a challenge I have been working upon, trying to work it out, sport out with some AS YOU LIKE IT..’general words ’.
There are more of them , infinite in no. but then its like an onion, peel out those layers from me, and I’ll be gone( that’s one thing I learned from Indian Philosophy). So well, my next quest , ummm…lets convert that marathon into Asafa Powell (c’mon..he’s just second to BOLT.

CHALLENGE 5 ….No onions in dinner that’s not fare.
*-sorry if they are not general,part of “learn at least 2 eng words aday,you sucker” program. Had to add

PS- Vimarsh Kar , I will keep up my promise in the next post.

PPS - SAMAJ KALYAN GROUP, I take a vow , something great will be written on you.