Monday, April 27, 2009


“Adrenaline shots of penicillin could not get the illing to stop.
Amoxacilin is just not real enough……”……….damn it another miss, do wahatever in all the holy hells you can do…except for learning this Eminem number.
Well that was me…a few days ago…learning an Eminem song. I don’t know why I do it but I do it for ….ummmm…I guess for myself. You know I am a kind of a guy who has spent a score of his life debating, blabbering all the way through, getting an image of an intellectual(though failing in physics many a times in that intellectual marathon). Debates are good but you know what… I wanted it all. There are times I see myself as a dancer movin’ feet with Usher…times I am playin’ the “head over heels” drums beating away with a Linkin Park number. But each day I wake fuzzed up in myself and see a “Varun Pant” knowing nothing about anything and desperate to enter the loo.
These days are a bit comfy as we have landed our ships to the shores, we(i) wake up at 12(in the morn) and its such a pleasure (as of course the loos are also empty). Xam times..folks…apart from all the networking algos and operating system analogies, its always a time to have a love affair with ..”TIME” as we have it all. For the past 2 years this time has given a sort of ticklish reverberations (at least to me). Things take a subtle turn…you see subtle as they always seem to be straighter. From love to lust..from fight to fright..everything gallops and makes its way in these waters of exam time.
This time it was a bit different ….yes. due to some illegal activities(lets just not ponder over that) one of the gravest(or greatest…confused with v and t) decisions of the mngmt of the college in the last few years. Well.. jammers were jammed upon us. Signal and Systems might define it another way, but for all the others of us, it was no mobiles, as no signals. The God of all electronics has been sympathetic on us as till date jammers are not installed but that period was exceptional..everybody had his or her worries and tussles with jammers…lets categorize them

1. People like me…”My goodness how will I call my mother. You see 1 call everyday. No mobiles so P.C.O. and 10 Rs for each day. Man what about my coffee…:(.

2. People better than me….”….” well no words.. he is too stunned to speak, as this mobile phone was the place where those 2 herats used to beat together(of his and his girlfriend…he stands up..walks..then cries..(some TYPICAL INDIAN ABUSES) and then goes down, as if never to come up again.

3. People (much..much) better than me….”shit all my contacts are gone …al the more difficult for all the GATES and CAT. Aaargh!!! Don’t know how to bust out the soul of this campus.

4. And some….i guess NOT better than me …capitulate on the situation by just abusing the place where we are for doing 4 years of Technical Time pass.

And someday later…till now the jammer news was a bit under the bed…so we celebrated this “going under the bed” through a “watermelon treat”. And yes, to everybody’s surprise I was eating this up for the first time. You know I am a guy(guess I am) who has lived on a lot of B-complexes, and Liv-52(medicines). But water melons and sugarcanes…”naaah not my type. But now I feel that I have gone past a life of typos and am living it with a zeal, travelling with a heart as solid as a Maverick and getting to taste the sweetness and the surrealness of “Ganna and Tarbooz”, just to find out and learn that life is sour…just make it sweet by the sugar of your ability of taking chances.
I have laernt it all room # 67, 10, 38. So cheers to college(n hostel) life.
(P.S…. pray that jammers are not jammed up…if not for me then for that “Reliance Connection”)

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