Friday, December 2, 2011


Ramrajya- a sound that is more perfect than the batting of Bradman,more picturesque than the valleys of Kashmir. It’s a word that is often referred to when we see atrocities happening or seeing something unjust in the present time frame. And we complement it with a word as immortal and as great as the former – Kalyug. Without Kalyug, Ramrajya is null and void, as we admire Ramrajya because we hate Kalyug. But then Ramrajya brings a music to our ears, the sound of which represents order,justice,and peace for all.

Having said that, I am of the view that we have crossed the deserts of the devilish Kalyug. We no longer reside in that separatist culture,. We are in a new phase that is a counterpart, and not a complement of the great era of King Rama- if I may call it CyberRajya- the digital boom. Computers started as a sophisticated helping hand in our complex research work,grew as a technology to assist us in our academic and industrial domain and as per now, have invaded our social,personal and every type of life to an extent of haunting us.

So are we in good times or bad ones? Are we celebrating the fest of technology or ignoring the beauties of nature in a bid to get ‘silicon’ized. Let’s just compare the present day society with the most sought after period of India- the Ramrajya.
The most fascinating thing about Ramrajya was its openness. Openness is a rather vague term that can be further broken into equality, freedom of expression, and that every person from top to bottom was connected to each other- not to forget that Seeta was abandoned due to a comment of a mere commoner. These days when I log on to my twitter account and tweet something to Mr Bachchan, I don’t do it as a fan writing some fan males, but it’s just a flow of a distinct point of view from one person to another, and all the time ,being fully aware that he is going to answer me. Similarly when an American logs on to he does not do it to gather knowledge about the political spectrum of his country, he does it to elect a presidential nominee, thus to change the political spectrum of his country, and all this for free, because as members of this society we deserve it- a bell rings, a behavior analogous to the Ramrajya .

Various cyber tools that strive to keep us connected have broken amongst us various class,caste and status barriers and help built us in individuals who believe in an unbiased flow of ideas to build valid and various thought processes. The commoner, thus has started thinking of himself as an important part of the social machinery, His voice is being heard, his thoughts are being acted upon, he is feeling responsible, thus powerful and hence , conscious for the development of society, country and the world. Looking from the context of India- in a land where there are various languages and cultures , no single person can lead the nation , and inputs from each and every individual is needed, and Cyberrajya is definitely making this need into a reality.

Our mythology tells us that there will be great destruction after Kalyug and the good times will start again. It is all true and the destruction is happening, not in the form of bloodshed, but by destroying customs, old roots, and fighting our way out to keep the current line of thought in place that is the hybrid thinking of the society. And once it is all over, we’ll be living in a golden age,with values we have long sought for.

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